Outlook For Mac 2016 Error Code 50

We develop an Perspective app (right now known as add-in) making use of html5/js originally for OWA but right now it is usually targeted to all Office Supported Platforms. And certainly, it seems to work on all platforms (ios, safari on mac, windows web browsers and outlook) except for Outlook 2016 for Macintosh. When running inside Perspective 2016 for Mac it behaves very strangely.
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Error Synchronizing Folder Hierarchy 80041004
Not loading half the moments, and when loading, it does not work correctly. We find it really difficult to discover the problem. We did not find a method to debug our scripts or even notice our gaming console logs. Perform you have got any flags/process/tools that we can use, so that we can observe what's i9000 heading on with our add-in in this platform?
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- Although MS Outlook is compatible with the Mac OS in the same way as it is with Windows but yet it’s working criteria on Mac is different. On mac for the sending and receiving mails through Outlook, one need to connect it with exchange server.
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Im running 2016 on probably 25 Mac's and haven't seen this issue yet, but I have had weird issues with Outlook in general that aren't worth the time messing with and just adding the account back again will fix saving all of our times.